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Mikki Doodle de-matter

Mikki Doodle de-matter

Regular price £16.99 GBP
Regular price Sale price £16.99 GBP
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Ideal for all Poodle crossbreeds such as Cockapoos, Labradoodles, Cavapoos and Golden Doodles

Grooming for 5 minutes, every day will help keep matts at bay and maintain your doodle's teddybear good looks.

  • Use our Doodle de-matter for knots and tangles that cannot be combed through.
  • Hold the hair at the root to prevent pulling the skin and use short strokes to gently comb through the knotted area. For very dense matts, rotate your wrist to produce a sawing action.
  • For knots bigger than a pea, contact your groomer rather than trying to detangle it yourself.
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